Hearing loss in school children may interfere with normal speech and language development and with the ability to learn. Even mild or unilateral hearing losses may be educationally significant. Regular school hearing screenings are an important method of identifying children who are at risk for hearing loss. Early detection and treatment of hearing disorders provide children the best opportunity to develop academically, emotionally and socially.
Childhood vision disorders are prevalent and are a significant public health problem. Early identification, diagnosis and correction of children's vision disorders are essential parts of all child health programs. The early detection and treatment of vision disorders give the visual system and brain an opportunity to develop normally by preventing permanent vision loss; thus giving children a better opportunity to develop educationally, socially and emotionally
Hearing and vision screenings take place every fall per the Ohio Department of Health guidelines. Vision screenings occur in grades K, 1, 3, 5, and 7. Hearing screenings occur in grades Pre-K, K, 1, 3, and 5. Please make sure your child has his/her glasses or wears corrective lenses on the day of screenings. If you have a concern about your child's vision or hearing and/or if you need financial assistance, please contact the Health Clinic Coordinator.